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Fluid flow. Velocity, pressure and Bernoulli’s principle

Would you like to deepen your knowledge of fluid flow?

The online fluid flow simulations on this page teach us the keys to the motion of fluids (liquids and gases) and the main parameters that characterize them.

The flow of a fluid is the continuous and orderly movement of the particles that compose it. Fluids, such as liquids and gases, have the ability to flow and adapt to the shape of the containers they are in, as well as to respond to external forces.

The flow of a fluid is governed by the laws of physics and can be studied through fluid mechanics. This branch of physics is responsible for analyzing the behavior of fluids at rest (hydrostatics) and in motion (hydrodynamics).

The flow of a fluid is described in terms of velocity, pressure and flow rate. Flow velocity refers to how fast the fluid particles move in a given direction. It can be measured in terms of average velocity or velocity at a specific point. Pressure, on the other hand, is the force that the fluid exerts on a surface. As the fluid flows, pressure can change due to varying velocity and flow geometry. Flow rate is the amount of fluid passing through a given point in a given time interval and is measured in volume per unit time.

The flow of a fluid can be laminar or turbulent. In a laminar flow, the fluid particles move in orderly and parallel layers, without significant interruptions. On the other hand, in a turbulent flow, the fluid particles move chaotically and eddies and vortices are generated. The type of flow depends on factors such as fluid velocity, viscosity and system geometry.

The study of fluid flow has applications in a variety of areas. In engineering, it is crucial to understand the flow of liquids and gases in systems such as pipes, ducts and channels to design efficient systems and prevent problems such as clogging or corrosion. In addition, fluid flow is fundamental in aerodynamics, in the design of vehicles, aircraft and turbines, as well as in meteorology, to understand the behavior of the atmosphere.

Fluid pressure and flow

Explore pressure in the atmosphere and under water. Change the shape of a tube to see how fluid flow velocity changes. Experiment with a spouting water tower to see how height and water level determine the path of water.


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