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Tides. Tide cycles and tidal force

Do you know how tides are generated? What types of tides are there, what are the tidal cycles like and how is tidal force generated?

The online tide simulations on this page help you understand this important natural phenomenon. You will learn how tides behave, what tide cycles look like and how tidal force is generated and act.

What are tides

Tides are periodic fluctuations in sea level that occur as a result of the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth. These gravitational forces generate a bulge in the surface of the ocean, creating the high and low tides seen along coastlines.

Influence of the Moon and centrifugal force on the tides

The interaction between the Moon, the Earth and the Sun is the main factor influencing the formation of tides. The Moon has a dominant influence due to its proximity to the Earth. The Moon’s gravity pulls water toward itself, creating a bulge on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, resulting in a high tide known as a high tide. On the opposite side of the Earth, there is also a bulge due to the centrifugal force generated by the Earth’s rotational motion, resulting in another high tide called ebb tide.

Influence of the Sun on the tides

The Sun also contributes to the tides, although its influence is about half that of the Moon due to its greater distance. During new and full moons, when the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are aligned, their gravitational forces add up and the most intense tides known as neap tides occur. On the other hand, during the waxing and waning quarters, when the Moon and the Sun form a right angle, their forces are offset and weaker tides known as neap tides are generated.

Other factors affecting tides

In addition to gravitational pull, other factors such as the topography of the seafloor, the shape of coastlines, and the depth of the oceans can affect tidal characteristics in specific regions. For example, narrow estuarine inlets or channels can amplify tides, generating higher tides known as amplifying tides.

Importance of tides

Tides have various applications and consequences. In navigation, knowledge of tides is crucial to avoid groundings and to determine the optimal times to enter or leave harbors. In power generation, tides are used in tidal power plants to produce electricity from the movement of water. In addition, tides influence coastal ecosystems and the distribution of marine species by affecting nutrient availability and exposure of intertidal areas.

Tide simulations

Tide cycles

The tide is a phenomenon that consists of the periodic rise and fall of the ocean surface due to the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun and the effect of the centrifugal force of the Earth’s rotation. Observe in this tide simulation how the tidal cycles are and how the position of the Moon has such an important effect.
Click here to start the simulation

Tidal force

The tidal force is generated by the combined action of the Moon’s gravity, the Sun’s gravity and the centrifugal force due to the Earth’s rotation. By vector summation of the two forces above, the magnitude and direction of the tidal force acting on the Earth can be found. Observe in the attached tide simulation how the Moon and gravity combine to generate the tidal force and the resulting tide cycles.
Click here to start the simulation

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019